
Advokatfirman Per Karlsson & Co

The law firm was founded by Per Karlsson in 2019. In 2020 Tommy Pettersson joined the firm. Together, Per and Tommy definitely represent one of the most experienced EU and competition law teams in the Swedish market.


The law firm offers a variety of senior and high profile EU and competition law services in all kinds of markets and business sectors.

This includes services regarding co-operation between companies, merger matters and merger strategies, dawn raids, behaviour of a dominant company, investigations, hearings, compliances, court proceedings, litigations, damages matters and arbitrations. 

The firm also offers services on EU law matters regarding the internal market, including public procurement and regulatory matters in regard to deregulation of new markets and state aid matters.


Attorney Per Karlsson



He holds a LLM degree from Uppsala University (1988)



Meet Attorney Per Karlsson:

Per was Chief Legal Officer at the Swedish Competition Authority 2011–2018. Before that, he worked in private practice for almost ten years at Vinge law firm.

He was legal advisor in the Swedish Ministry of Industry and Trade 1995–2000, on EU & Competition Law matters, which also included work in Brussels.

He has been an expert and secretary in around ten Government Committees on competition law and has an extensive litigation experience within the Swedish court system as well as from the EU Courts.

The litigation experience covers various types of cases such as cartel cases, mergers and abuse of dominance cases.


Published Books:

Professional Memberships:

Attorney Tommy Pettersson



He holds a LLM degree from Uppsala University (1985)



Meet Attorney Tommy Pettersson:

Tommy was a partner of the law firm Mannheimer Swartling for 25 years.

He founded the Brussels office of the firm and chaired the firm’s practice group on EU & Competition for many years.

He has primarily been active as counsel for Swedish and international clients in competition law proceedings in Swedish courts, in the EU Courts and in arbitration cases; as well as cartel and abuse of dominance investigations by the European Commission and national competition authorities.

He has also been acting in several state aid matters before national courts and the European Commission and he provides advice in relation to merger control.

He has also been acting in several state aid matters before national courts and the European Commission and he provides advice in relation to merger control.

He has been involved in many merger control notifications to the Swedish Competition Authority, the European Commission and other competition authorities.

Moreover, he gives advice on general EU law, for example free movement of goods and Brexit issues.


Professional Memberships:



per karlsson &Co


Nybrogatan 6, Stockholm

Postal address:

Box 5855
102 40 Stockholm

Org. Number 559163-2186